Monday, February 23, 2009

Featured Artist(s): The O'Darling

This winter did not really feel like a winter should: cold, stormy, lots of rain or even a little bit of snow. Instead, this arid land experienced the usual bouts of disappointments, dragging feet (and foes) through the mud and the occasional stray droplets now and again. Am I still talking about the weather?

Fortunately, these past few days were wintry enough to properly go with the warm exuberance that is The O'Darling. Coming from all over in blessed Canada (currently based in Toronto), the six diverse members of the band create a fuzzy encompassing atmosphere that is both intelligent and emotional. The jazzy river they traverse is filled with folksy, alt-country and poppy inlets, reminiscent somewhat of Over the Rhine, but definitely original and unique in nature.

The songs in this post come from their 2007 debut EP, The Nice EP, used as a demo. But it is much more than a demo and much, much more than nice. It's simply great.

Check out The O'Darling on MySpace and Facebook for gigs and other musical updates. Brace yourselves for their first official LP release coming soon in spring/summer 2009.

The O'Darling - Bubble {MP3} (from The Nice EP)
The O'Darling - Mooncat {MP3} (from The Nice EP)

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